No pressure, Hyper Locals

The SHIFT Reports’ unique segmentation study, The Sustainability Passion Index, reveals varying degrees of passion for issues surrounding sustainability and social responsibility. One of the segments we’ve been keeping tabs on is the Hyper Local which currently comprises 10% of the North American population.

Hyper Local are passionate about all things local. Supporting local businesses is important to them. Buying local is important to them. They are active in their neighbourhoods and engaged with what is going on. Family, friends and community are central to their lives, but they are also very realistic about the choices they make. They are not necessarily evangelical about local because they may also shop at mega brand stores like Wal-Mart. However they are generous in giving credit to brands that are trying to make a difference.

A headline on Fast Company caught my attention today – How Locavores Could Cure World Hunger. It seems we’re not the only ones betting on the Hyper Locals. The Worldwatch Institute in its 2011 , claims that the best poverty and hunger-reducing strategies in African nations come from local farming initiatives. The same could be said for solving food security issues closer to home.

Edible Communities, a network of local food publications, is an amazing initiative that continues to thrive across North America. Pick up your free bi-monthly magazine at your local natural grocer and enjoy the stories of local food production, preparation and consumption.

We’re already seeing garden supplies on the shelves of variety stores. Spring is around the corner! Soon it will be time to start the seedlings.

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